Gerard Christian Zacher, James Dean, East of Eden, Rebel Without A Cause, Giant, Cal Trask, Jim Stark, Jet Rink, Elia
Kazaan, Nicholas Ray, Nick Ray, George Stevens, Warner Brothers, Jack Warner, Natalie Wood, Sal Mineo, Corey Allan, Jim Backus,
Ann Doran, Dennis Hopper, Frank Mazolla, Jack Grinnage, Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson, Jane Withers, Bill Hinkle, Julie Harris,
Raymond Massey, Richard Davalos, Jo Van Fleet, Pier Angeli, Liz Sheridan, Dizzy Sheridan, Ursula Andress, Barbara Glenn, William
Bast, Bill Bast, Rogers Brackett, John Gilmore, Jack Simmons, James Dean Remembered, Deaners.net, James Dean Fan Club, James
Dean Fan Site, CMG Worldwide, Fairmount, Indiana, Winslow Farm, Fairmount Historical Museum, Marcus Winslow, Hortense Winslow,
Markie, Marcus Winslow Jr., Winton Dean, Mildred Dean, Vera May Wilson, Vera May Seger, John Seger, George Barris, Porsche
Spyder, Steven McHattie, Casper Van Dien, James Franco, Live Fast, Die Young, Salinas, Bakersfield, Griffith Park Observatory,
Griffith Park Observatory Planetarium, Griffith Park Planetarium, Marfa, Texas, Marfa Texas, Phil Zeigler, David Loehr, James
Dean Gallery, Rebel Rebel Collectibles, James Dean Festival, Old Hollywood, Classic Hollywood, Celebrity, Celeb, Star,
Celebrity Impersonators, Impersonators, Celebrity Look-Alikes, Celebrity Look-A-Likes, Look-Alikes, Look-A-Likes, Hollywood
Blvd, Hollywood Blvd Characters, Icon, Icons, Teen Idol, Actor, Christine White, Method Actor, The Actors Studio, Marilyn
Monroe, Ladies Of The Chorus, Love Happy, All About Eve, The Asphalt Jungle, Don't Bother To Knock, Niagara, Gentlemen Prefer
Blondes, How To Marry A Millionaire, Seven Year Itch, Bus Stop, The Prince And The Showgirl, Some Like It Hot, The Misfits,
Something's Got To Give, 20th Century Fox, Joe DiMaggio, Arthur Miller, John F. Kennedy, John Kennedy, John Fitgerald Kennedy,
JFK, President Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Peter Lawford, Tom Ewell, Don Murray, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, Clark Gable, Montgomery
Clift, Dean Martin, Jane Russell, Betty Grable, Lauren Bacall, Cyd Charise, Jami Deadly, Jami Edwards, 1950's, The 50's, Elvis
Presley, Dream As If You'll Live Forever Live As If You'll Die Today, Postage Stamps, Race Car, Racing Car, Race Car Driver,
The Reinactors, We Got Powr Films, David Markey, David J. Markey, Kevin Church, Dan Clark, Fanpire, Catchphrase Entertainment,
Dean Shull, Shahrook Oomer, Archie Gips, Matt Hunt, Ambassadors Of Hollywood, Living Dreams, Tiffany Phelps, Tamar Levine,
Tamar Levine Photography, Christopher Elliott, Chris Elliott, Hollywood Virtual Tour, Hollywood Tour, Mike Babine, Mike Babine
Photography, Imposters Book, Imposters, Kim Knoblauch, Los Angeles Times, LA Times, The Deanzine, Keep Rockin' Magazine, Keep
Rockin Magazine, Rotterdam Film Festival, Lisbon Film Festival, Montreal Film Festival, New York United Film Festival, Armstrong
Interviews, Josh Armstrong, Film Maker Magazine, Pop Shifter, The Paper - La Woman, Ann Magnuson, Choking On Popcorn, Buenos
Aires Festival Cine Independent, BAFCI, Argentina Film Festival, Indie Lisboa Film Festival, Pagina 12, Publico, Bunker Film
Festival, Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival, USA Film Fest, Dallas Texas Film Festival,International Luanda Film
Festival, Les Rencontres Internationales Du Documentaire De Montreal, RIDM,